What is Artist Development?
The Mama Bear family believes that artist development is the ongoing process of improving one’s raw talent. We also believe that to develop as an artist, we must first develop personally and gain clarity about what we truly desire for ourselves. What is our most authentic vision? To assist each artist in answering this question, we focus on the 5 Ps of professional development: Possibility, Presence, Passion, Perspective, and PERSEVERANCE. Through preliminary and ongoing coaching sessions, we assist the artist in gaining clarity of their vision and we let that be our road map to success. We don’t give up until we reach our primary goals, and we fiercely protect every cub through the entire journey and beyond.
Because record labels are looking for pre-packaged and talented artists, our primary goals are to achieve the following:
1-4 radio-friendly original songs
Professional photos
Debut music video
Social media presence
Launching listening platforms (i.e., Spotify, YouTube)
(Goals may vary depending on artist's vision).